Category:Telecommunications Country:Poland Featured companies Microomega Sp. z o.o.
MICROOMEGA Ltd, founded in 1989, has 10employees, 4 individuals have university diplomas in electrical engineering, computer engineering, etc. We create digital, analog and power electronics for high-reliability programs as well as cost-sensitive commercial applications.
The Firm specialises in the manufacture of professional electronic components and equipment for telecommunication, motor industry and automation.
· Thick-film hybrid circuits
· DC/DC and DC/AC
· Power supplies
· Controllers[...]
The firm Euro Elektronika was established in 1995.
Since the begining we have focused only on particular groups of electromechanic devices reaching a high level of specialization in trading with:
• SOUND INDICATORS (buzers & sirens)
Very wide range and high quality of offered products clearly comes across the expectations[...]
Call Center Poland SA
Call Center Poland S.A, the leading outsourcing call center company in Central and Eastern Europe, specializes in providing high quality multilingual telesales, customer care and business process outsourcing services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a near-shore/offshore contact center, we offer a range of solutions which significantly reduce our clients’ operational costs without compromising quality.
We fully support English and all major European languages from our 2 locations in Warsaw,[...]
eGmina, Infrastruktura, Energetyka Sp. z o.o.
The main purpose of eCommune, Infrastructure, Energy Ltd. is supporting the polish communes in their efforts to develop towards modern operating models in the areas of telecommunication, infrastructure and energy.
The usage of the synergy effect, being the result of a efficient, skilful, but above all comprehensive combination of the abovementioned areas is the biggest trump of the company, its distinguishing mark on the market and the source of great business power.
The means to the realization[...]
Eltronix Gsm Group
deal with wholesale sale accessory gsm eltronix-hurtownia and gsm for cellular phones retail accessories. we serve other equal wholesale firm < wholesale >, commission sales gsm, as well as we lead retailing. we own in our offer - transformer ładowarki, pulse big ( equal, as well as ) mini, car - battery firm " " tellme, " roadstead " power, " " famous, " " foof, " " forever - handle car - ordinary, shining, stick, for check - assembled wentylacyjnej,[...]
Unicon Sp. z o.o.
We produce the following articles:
car antennas and antenna equipment
communication antennas for frequency bands up to 1800 Mhz
DVB-T external antennas
high frequency coaxial connectors
high frequency connectors for electroacoustic devices like JACK, DIN, etc.
TV- SAT trunk connectors
antenna and net equipment and F connectors for TV – SAT and CATV.
GPA – 6,3/250 fuse socket with "CE" safety mark
electromechanical contact components
RADMOR is state owned company from Poland and was established in 1947 – what means over 55 years of experience. We are the leader in radiocommunication branch.
The company offers: VHF/FM tactical radiostations; radiocommunication systems – trunking and dispatcher systems; professional radiotelephones – handheld, mobile, stationary; radiomodems and data transmission modules; antenna equipment and professional electroacoustic equipment.
RADMOR offers handheld, vehicular, stationary radiostations[...]
ALTRAN Autoryzowany Dystrybutor Canopy MOTOROLA
Thank you for visiting our page, sorry but the rest of our site is in Polish, we are just working on this market. You can only visit other sites related to our activities.
We are authorised MOTOROLA distributor, as well as SIGMA, ZETRON and AlfaTronix. We are providers of radiocommunication equipment like two-way radios, base stations, repeaters, antennas, 24V/12V mobile converters.
Our address:
02-661 Warsaw, Poland
Wita Stwosza 41
tel.: +48 22 843 49 81
fax.: +48 22 843 29[...]